Judge Allison Douglas Wade

Allison D. Wade was born on September 17, 1902, the son of Harrison and Alice (Jones) Wade.
He attended Warren High School, Pennsylvania State College, the University of Southern California,
University of Virginia, Harvard University, and the University of Buffalo;
earning a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Commerce.
During his collegiate years he was active in literary and art work and played lacrosse.
Wade was an attorney-at-law and a member of the Warren County Bar.
He was a member of the State Supreme and Superior Courts and the Federal Court.
He was appointed solicitor of Warren County for two terms
and elected President Judge of the 37th Juridical District on November 4, 1941.
On January 13, 1954, Judge Allison D. Wade was murdered by Norman Moon
becoming the first judge in the country to be murdered while sitting on the bench.